Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ranges of Emotion

 Definitely one of my very favorites from this assignment.  I don't think my memory card could hold all of the many faces of emotion that my nephew displays.  He is one of the most expressive people I know.  This particular expression is common for him when playing racing games.  He enjoys them immensely but when he wrecks... well, that's a different story.

 This is a common expression of emotion in my dorm room.  They say that laughter is by far the best medicine and I can certainly agree.  Whether it's been a stressful, fun, hard, fast or very long week, my friends and I can always count on having a good laugh when we all get together.  Laughter may not solve our problems (and trust me, we have tons of them) but it sure helps us to relax and enjoy the moment as well as each other.

I have a thing for telling jokes, being goofy and trying to be funny... obviously some don't thoroughly appreciate it.  After telling a dumb joke to my nephew this is the response that I got.  
I guess I should keep practicing my jokes. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Everyday Life

A day in the life of a college student... Although many books are recommended, only one is truly necessary. We have so much material to wade through and so much information to learn but when it comes right down to it the most important thing we can do is listen to whispers of God through His word.
Without the encouragement, prayers and support of friends life would not hold the same joy as it does now. We are there for each other whether we are laughing, crying or just having a heart-to-heart talk. God has blessed me with so many beautiful Christian sisters.

To be studious or not to be studious... that is the question.
Never has this verse (Jeremiah 29:11) held more truth in my life than now. If you would have asked me 3 years ago where I would be today, I most definitely would not have answered with Valley Forge Christian College. But God had and still has the most amazing plan in mind. Although I did not see this coming, I would not want to change anything.